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P. Roziers
Internationally Certified
Master Coach

Ladies, If you did not attend this event today, you missed a treat. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Dr. Denise. If you can't figure out why you are not walking in your full purpose, you need to attend her next session.

S. Thomas, Author
"Wake-Up & Win"

"I am incredibly grateful to Denise Williams for her unwavering support, mentorship, and guidance throughout the journey of bringing my debut E-Book "Wake Up & Walk" to life. Drawing from her extensive expertise as a seasoned writer, Denise has not only fueled my creative endeavors, but she has also wholeheartedly embraced my vision, guiding me with care and understanding.....


Thank you, Denise, for everything you have done for me. Your unwavering belieft in me has been an inspiration and I'm truly blessed to have you in my life.

S. James
Nationally Certified Empowerment Coach

The  Event was awesome!! Loved it!! The food was delicious. The macaroni salad and the croissant was so good. You did a great job. Getting ready to eat my cake now!

T. Strong
College Student

"Hi Dr. Williams, after you and I talked yesterday believe it or not you influenced me in a way. After you told me you have an advanced degree, it moved me in a way. This morning I became curious and began to question myself on whether if I should seek a degree in Theology. You inspired me, lol, so now I'm going to ask God to show me if it's in His will or not. Thank you again!"


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