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Dr. Williams Collaborates with The Mitch22 Foundation

Updated: Feb 29

Empowerment Squared's parent company, The Healing Place Global Alliance has partnered with The Mitch22 Foundation to host a ladies only event.

On February 20, 2021 Dr. Denise J. Williams and Ms. Pearl Roziers, founder of the Mitch22 Foundation came together to co-host an event to encourage women as they forge into the year 2021.

We had an intimate environment with other from all over the local Jacksonville, FL area. They were our sisters, friends, mothers, cousins and aunties in a no competition, no judgement, no bashing zone.

Dr. Williams, a #graduate of the Mitch22 Empowerment #Academy in March of 2021 as a newly minted #Empowerment Coach shared relevant essential concepts that assisted the participants in remaining focused to create their well deserved #success in the shadow of a now #COVID-19 society.

Keep Our Eye on the Prize

Dr. Williams also combined the art of storytelling to #engage and infuse the attendees to find those moments in their everyday lives to spark their creativity to a level they have never dared to embrace before.

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